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Bellydance Meditation Simplified: A Woman's Guide to Sacred Feminine Chakra Balancing
Welcome, Beautiful!
Introduction to Your Course (6:23)
Important Message Before You Begin (1:05)
Grounded Goddess – Root Chakra
Explore the Temple Pillars of Your Thighs - Egyptian Shimmy (6:18)
Honor Your Cycles - Hip Circles (6:49)
Invite Your Primal Fire - Figure 8's (8:22)
Downloadable Workbook Module 1 – Root Chakra
Sensual Secrets - Sacral Chakra
Liberate Your Joy - Hip Shimmies (4/4 & 3/4) (9:14)
Find Your Fluidity - Sensual Swoops (3:54)
Celebrate Your Strength - Tunisian Twists (6:13)
Downloadable Workbook Module 2 – Sacral Chakra
Drum of Femininity - Solar Plexus Chakra
Integrate Pleasure and Pain - Rib Circles (6:02)
Welcome Mother Belly - Belly Rolls (4:58)
Play, Twist, Play - Tribal Egyptian (8:22)
BONUS Video: Traveling Tribal Egyptian on Mat (1:07)
Downloadable Workbook Module 3 – Solar Plexus Chakra
Heal and Radiate! – Heart Chakra
Awaken Your Allure - Snake Arms (5:33)
Radiate Your Divine Heart - Shoulder Shimmies (6:40)
Receive Great Abundance - Gathering the Harvest (6:18)
Downloadable Workbook Module 4 – Heart Chakra
Elegance, the Missing Piece - Throat Chakra
Inspire Your Earthly Divinity - Egyptian Conduit (3:45)
Consecrate the Spirit of Beauty - Beautiful Face (3:09)
Whisper Fragrant Sound & Voice - Elegant Ear
Downloadable Workbook Module 5 – Throat Chakra
Eye of the Throne - Third Eye Chakra
Honor Your Awareness - Temple Arms
Dance the Deity - Head Slide
Accept Your Divinity - Bobble Head
Downloadable Workbook Module 6 – Third Eye Chakra
Serpentine Receptivity - Crown Chakra
Illuminate the Energetic Spine - Undulations (6:38)
Cascade Cleansing Waters - Body Wave (3:29)
Travel Shifting Sands - Bellydance Camel
Downloadable Workbook Module 7 – Crown Chakra
Cheat Sheet For Instructors
Take-it-with-You Checklist for Instructors
Liberate Your Joy - Hip Shimmies (4/4 & 3/4)
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